Added: 8 December, 2007
Group: 3D studio max
Create 3D sandal model
page: 1
How to create a sandal model
In this tutorial we will show you the steps how to make a sandal 3D model.
Hi there in this tutorial we will make a sandal.
So let’s get started by reset our 3ds max and maximize front viewport.

Now choose line to create our rough shape of the feet.

By combining fillet, weld (to join two vertices) and refine (to add vertices) we will create our shape for the feet of the sandal.
For this case it might be good to have a reference picture of the sandal to get the better shape proportions of the feet.

Now add extrude modifier, after that convert it into editable poly.

Now create slice as shown below, and after that extrude the selected polygon. This will give the feet better look.

Next select edge and with ring option select all because you need to split feet of the sandal to half. After that select upper part and apply extrude to it.

So the first part is finished, let’s create other one.
GO to: Page 1 : How to create a sandal model
GO to: Page 2 : Make your sandal model to look real This tutorial is copyrighted. Partial duplication or full duplication is prohibited and illegal. Translation or usage of any kind without author�s permission is illegal.

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