Added: 10 September, 2007
Group: 3D studio max
Realistic looking computer case
page: 1

Computer case object in 3D max part 1

Creating a computer case is what 3 D studio max is all about. Well explained and easy to administer this tutorial has everything you need, simply go through it.

First crate a box and convert to editable poly. Then select lines like on picture and press connect button.

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 1 1

Select that new lines and press chamfer, then extrude it in.

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 1 2

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 1 3

Select front edges and chamfer them .

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 1 4

Select front polygon.

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 1 5

Press inset then chamfer new lines.

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 1 6

Select those two upper lines.

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 1 7

Connect them(two segments).

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 1 8

Select new polygon and move it on Y axis.

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 1 9

Select new lines and chamfer them.

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 1 10

Select left and right line and connect them to get that line like on picture.(this new polygon will be place for cd-roms).

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 1 11

Select that square lines and chamfer them, then extrude them in.

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 1 12

Select left and right square line and connect them (3 segments).

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 1 13

Chamfer new line, then extrude in created polygons.

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 1 14

We shall make only first two cd-roms, select that polygons and inset them.(move inseted polygons a little bit up).

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 1 15

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GO to: Page 2 : Computer case object in 3D max part 2
GO to: Page 3 : Computer case object in 3D max part 3 This tutorial is copyrighted. Partial duplication or full duplication is prohibited and illegal. Translation or usage of any kind without author�s permission is illegal.
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