Windows tutorials
Now you have the whole Windows in one place. Get your operative system an attitude! Improve it! Make it work better for you. We introduce you to a completely new perspective of using Windows, offering you its tutorials, and giving the possibility to customize your daily PC routine: from editing to personalizing Windows.

Turn on auto complete for command promptTurn on auto complete for command prompt. This is very handy edit if you often use command prompt.
Troubleshooting your computer problems with bootlog.txtIf you are experiencing problems with your computer maybe checking the info in bootlog.txt can help you in determining what went wrong.
Securing the Windows XP accounts databaseExtending the security levels of your Windows XP is always good idea. Following procedure will secure your Windows XP accounts database.
How to repair Internet Explorer 6 in Windows XPMicrosoft Internet Explorer 6 is one of most vulnerable Internet browsers. In case your IE has crashed and become corrupted it might be useful to follow this procedure and repair it.
How to change text on Windows XP Start buttonHave you ever wondered if famous Windows Start button can be changed? This tutorial will show you how to change Start button into anything you want.
How to Change the Position of the Desktop Wallpaper Default Windows settings gives you the limited options for centering or tiling the desktop wallpaper. With this registry hack you can move and place the desktop image anywhere on your desktop.
How to disable autorun in Windows XPAutoplay option in Windows XP can be so annoying. Especially if you want to manipulate with files from some other file manager instead default Windows Explorer. Here is tutorial how to disable autoplay function in Windows XP.
How to change OEM data in Windows system propertiesIf you ever asked yourself how OEM manufactures enter their data into Windows system properties here is trick how to do it by yourself and enter any data you desire.
How to disable screen saver in Windows XPHave you ever wondered how screen saver can be disabled in Windows XP with hacking the system's registry? Here is short tutorial how to do it like a real hacker.
How to disable file information pop-ups in WindowsWindows has default option to display information about files when you place the cursor above them. Sometimes it can be annoying so you can turn it off with this trick.
How to disable low disk space warnings in Windows XPOne of most annoying warning messages in Windows XP are low disk space warning. With this little trick you can easily disable it and continue to use your hard space as much as it can.
Reboot your PC without physical rebootingFind out how to reboot the system without the actual, physical rebooting whenever it crashes, simply by pressing a couple of "magic" buttons on the keyboard. 
Import Administrative Tools To Start MenuFor those who use Administrative Tools so often avoid going through the Control Panel to search for it. Simply import it to Start Menu and create an easy access to all its features.
Create A Personal Win XP Screen SaverLearn how to make your own personal screen saver in win XP. Follow the instructions to create a slide show presentation using your favorite digital photos or images to make a nice screen saver. Find tips how to make all necessary adjustments.
System Delay at StartupThis tutorial explains what should be done in order to prevent so irritating system delay at startup where any of operating actions are impossible to execute.
Saving Windows XP updatesWindows XP updates are important for better system performance. Learn where to find them, how to use them in order to improve and optimize your daily Windows routine.
Move Win XP hard drive to a new motherboardThis tutorial gives you the explanations how to move the hard drive which already has Win XP installed on it to a whole new motherboard.
Securing data files in WindowsThis is a short guideline to show you how to keep your documents or directory private and to turn away poky people.
Quick Windows Shutdown and Windows ShortcutNo more complicated procedures when shutting down windows. This tutorial teaches you how to create a nice and practical Windows Shutdown Shortcut.
Boot WinXP quiklyTo avoid your Windows system taking too much time to boot, follow this tutorial and find out how to do that.
Auto End Task for Safe Windows ShutdownThis short guideline shows you how to shutdown Windows safely and in the proper way, also clearing the "Paging File" on Exit by using the auto end task. 
Disabling Windows XP crash reportThis tutorial will show you how to disable the error sending message whenever a program crashes.
Changing the quality and size used in thumb viewLearn how to manipulate with thumbnails view in windows operation system. Change quality and size of thumbnails.
Setting up FTP in windows XPThis tutorial will guide you trough the steps how to make FTP connection directly from your windows OS.

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