Added: 29 October, 2007
Group: Poser
Adding poses from library and making pose from photos
page: 2

Making pose from photos

Next is a folder with standard poses Ben, folders of figures (Ben, Jessi, James)
share on: operations (games, jumps, etc.), mood (operations at different moods),
daily (sleeping, eating), poses in lying status, poses in movement, static poses:

Tutorial Making pose from photos 1

Further there are poses of figures, Poser early versions, a pose from Tutorial:

Tutorial Making pose from photos 2

To put a figure in the necessary pose on photos and images,
it is necessary to place image in the poser, for this purpose the surface,
for example Props Square is required to us:

Tutorial Making pose from photos 3

We will increase its sizes:

Tutorial Making pose from photos 4

Load texture (image with the necessary pose), it can be made in Material:

Tutorial Making pose from photos 5

Go to front view and turn on textures viewing:

Tutorial Making pose from photos 6

Again adjust primitive sizes, texture must "well" lay down on a figure:

Tutorial Making pose from photos 7

Select a similar pose from library and manually customize it:

Tutorial Making pose from photos 8

Thats all!

GO to: Page 1 : Adding poses from library
GO to: Page 2 : Making pose from photos This tutorial is copyrighted. Partial duplication or full duplication is prohibited and illegal. Translation or usage of any kind without author�s permission is illegal.
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