Added: 10 September, 2007
Group: 3D studio max
Realistic looking computer case
page: 3

Computer case object in 3D max part 3

Now to create something to cover that hole. Cylinder with parameters like on picture (sides 34,cap segments 10)

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 3 1

Select like on picture and extrude it in. Create six cylinders to dig some holes (with Boolean..)

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 3 2

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 3 3

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 3 4

Now there are those ports but I wont explain that, because I think you learn something till now, just look at the pictures.

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 3 5

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 3 6

Inset polygon, extrude it in, click tessellate button few times and then select some polygons and extrude them in.

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 3 7

Now places for those cards (video, sound…)it’s the same just use inset, connect(5 segments),then some bevel in. Same for USB ports(bevel/extrude/in-out).

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 3 8

And for the end creating a bolt Just make a cylinder (8 sides)cut some edges, and extrude in polygons

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 3 9

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 3 10

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 3 11

For light material use green color and in material editor choose selfillumination. Put light in scene (choose Omni light and use area shadows). Press F10 button and render.

Tutorial Computer case object in 3D max part 3 12

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