Added: 17 January, 2008
Group: Cinema 4D
How to create a simple pen in Cinema 4D
page: 1

Create a pen model in cinema 4D

By going trough this tutorial, you will learn how to create a simple pen in Cinema 4D.

1. Open Cinema4D:

Tutorial Create a pen model in cinema 4D 1

2. Select tool Draw Linear Spline:

Tutorial Create a pen model in cinema 4D 2

3. Create approximate tip form of pen:

Tutorial Create a pen model in cinema 4D 3

4. Add modifier Lathe NURBS:

Tutorial Create a pen model in cinema 4D 4

5. Apply it to Spline:

Tutorial Create a pen model in cinema 4D 5

6. In properties of the modifier reduce number Subdivision to 10:

Tutorial Create a pen model in cinema 4D 6

7. Select Spline object and go to Right side view:

Tutorial Create a pen model in cinema 4D 7

8. Go to points editing:

Tutorial Create a pen model in cinema 4D 8

9. Make active selection tool and select middle point:

Tutorial Create a pen model in cinema 4D 9

10. Press right mouse button and select tool Chamfer:

Tutorial Create a pen model in cinema 4D 10

GO to: Page 1 : Create a pen model in cinema 4D
GO to: Page 2 : Nurbs and modeling pen in Cinema 4D
GO to: Page 3 : Rendering pen in Cinema 4D This tutorial is copyrighted. Partial duplication or full duplication is prohibited and illegal. Translation or usage of any kind without author�s permission is illegal.